SSE Riias õpetati meile erinevaid inimesetüüpe, oli mingi mütsijutt ja erinevad värvid jne... väga hästi ei mäleta... Igastahes, üks meie õppejõude on kirjutanud raamatu aitamaks uutel üliõpilastel Taani õppemeetoditega toime tulla ja nendest aru saada ja kuidas projekte kirjutama peaks, „Research Methodology: A Project Guide for University Students“ (2010). J. Kuada oma raamatus kirjutab:
„Six main personality traits can be identified within a task-oriented group. If properly tapped, they combine to provide conditions for a successful group work.
1. A chairperson -> He/she tends to operate on a democratic, participatory basis, but is ready and able to assume rather more direct control when he feels it is necessary. He tends to be more concerned with practicalities and feasibility than with more imaginative leaps of thought.
2. A shaper -> The shaper type of person is different from a chairperson in that he finds it hard to control his ego. He prefers to shape decisions and activities of the group directly and personally. He likes action, quick results, and willing followers.
3. An innovator -> The innovator is the “ideas man”. He thinks constructively. That is, his strength lies in his capacity to advance new ideas and strategies. He therefore brings new insights to bear on the problems and issues discussed.
4. A monitor-evaluator -> The strength of the monitor-evaluator lies in his ability to think critically: to analyse ideas and suggestions and to evaluate their feasibility in terms of solving the problem at hand. He is usually a very serious person, very sober in his reflections, critical and objective.
5. A team worker -> The team worker is the social mixer type of person. He is perceptive of the feelings, needs and concerns of other group members. He is observant of their strengths and weaknesses, and it is in his nature to help promote their strengths and minimise their weaknesses.
6. A “completer” -> He is highly anxious, often compulsive, introverted and tense. He is eager to get the project completed, always reminding other group members of the submission date. But he does not compromise on standard.“
Peab ka mainima, et meie grupis on koos üsna kirju seltskond selles mõttes, et kõik tüübid on esindatud... nüüd sobiks hästi panna ka üks pilt minu grupikaaslastest, aga keegi teatud leedukas minu grupist lubas mind kohtusse kaevata kui kuskil tema pilti näitan, seega jääb ära :) nii igaks juhuks, eksole :D
Ja siit siis küsimus: Milline isiksusetüüp sina tiimitöös kõige rohkem oled? Ja kes mina olen?